What’s this blog about?


I am a married mama of two twin boys named Jack and Rory who are 2 years old. I am as obsessed with my children as I am with home decor and everything on Bravo. This mom life thing is still new to me but come along for the ride, as bumpy as it may be!


Our boys were born at 25 weeks gestation and have spent a combined 373 days in the NICU. We have been in two different NICUs for have had surgeries and thickened feedings. The NICU life is not easy but if you should find yourself in it we have a plethora of tips and tricks to get you through.


We have had surgeries, ER visits, 911 calls, in-home nursing, equipment, a tracheostomy and feeding tubes. While we are no medical experts we have plenty of tips and tricks to help you along the way if you have a kiddo with special needs.


To keep up with our day to day life be sure to follow us on our social pages:

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