Jack's Big News!

The time has finally come, we are officially working toward getting little Jack off of his ventilator! Last week at his monthly check-up his team let us know that we can begin to do off the vent trials for 5 minutes 3 times per day increasing by 5 minutes every single week.


One year ago Jack was hospitalized, intubated, sedated and had rhino virus. It was the sickest he has ever been and probably the longest, darkest, most petrifying time we will experience as parents. Fast forward to now and our 21 pound little butterball is exceeding all expectations and breathing on his own, for 15 minutes a day at least. 


I say this a lot but this kid is the most badass person I have ever known. He is so strong and resilient and he will conquer any obstacles put in front of him with ease and sweet sweet smiles. 

Keep breathing little Jack Jack, you are going to get better soon! 
