We Had to Call 911 - The Overwhelmed Mama Edition
/We all have them - bad days, overwhelmed days, I just don’t wanna days and days where you literally want to rip every hair out of your head and run around screaming. This week has contained only those kind of days and it’s just Wednesday!
Rory is teething and if he is not being held or eating he is screaming like something out of a horror movie. Our once sweet, funny, little sleep through the night angel has turned into a full-blown meltdown maniac and Mom and Dad are his sworn enemies.
Jack on the other hand is still sweet and wholesome but today he ‘took a drink’. Water had built up in his tubes and when the nurse went to move him from bed to floor the water went rushing down his trach which caused him to choke. He went full purple and we had to hook him up to oxygen immediately. He was taking a long time to recover and was just not acting himself so we had to call 911. You don’t really know what unbridled terror is until you see your child in pain struggling for a breath he just can’t get. When the paramedics arrived he had recovered, was on his way back to normal and all was well but it was reassuring to have him looked over.
Have kids they said, it will be fun they said, it will be rewarding they said. The infamous they forgot to mention how challenging it would be, how it would take every single ounce of energy and love you have left in your soul to keep calm and mom on.
As parents we tend to place the weight of the world on our shoulders. We have so many expectations for ourselves on top of what the world tells us a good parent looks like. But the truth is it’s not all sunshine, rainbows and Instagram worthy moments. Yes, last nights lasagna is still stuck to the high chair, yes my child’s face is covered in dried tears from his non-stop tantrums and yes our basement is flooded with laundry. At the end of the day no one is perfect, no mom, no dad, no baby but we all try our best and that is what matters.
If you too are having a less than ideal week, day, month or even year, know that you are not alone. Try to treasure the moments in-between the pasta throwing and the crying, those sweet moments where they catch your eye and smile or giggle or quit fighting you and fall asleep on your chest, hold on to those. And when you close out your day today lay your head down peacefully knowing that you did the best you could and that tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start and if it also goes poorly your pillow will be waiting!