Managing Hospital Stays With Kids

It’s no secret that we have spent our fair share of time in the hospital over the last year and a half. I had literally never spent a single night in the hospital prior to being pregnant and now I could not even tell you how many nights I have spent in a hospital chair, couch or bed. But that’s parenthood! Kids are going to get sick and hurt and that is especially true for our medically fragile warriors. The only way to get through your not so 5-star stay is to be prepared. Here are my top 10 tips for staying ready so you don’t have to get ready!

  1. Always have a bag packed for you and your kiddo. You never know how much time you are going to have to prepare so have a bag ready to go just in case you are in an emergency situation. This bag should include clothes, toiletries, cozy socks or slippers and time killers like books or toys or electronics.

  2. For my fellow special needs parents, make sure you have the essentials ready to go at a moments notice. Things like spare supplies for cares and feedings & any emergency items like spare trachs or tubing. These items are essential because you never know if the hospital will have exactly what your kid needs or compatible parts.

  3. Decide on shifts with your partner. It is important for everyone to get a break because the hospital can be a draining and exhausting place especially if you never walk outside the walls. And if you have another kid at home it’s important to get quality time in with them too. For us it’s a natural divide, Josh is a night owl and I am a morning bird so he takes the overnight shift in the hospital and I relieve him first thing in the morning.

  4. Bring all the snacks! Hospital food can sometimes not even count as sustenance. Having snacks for you and your little one will help ensure no one gets hangry.

  5. Have a sitter on call at all times. It’s always right around bedtime when you realize it’s time to go to the hospital and if you have another child at home it’s the worst to disrupt their sleep schedule. Having someone ready, willing and able to come when you call can be a lifesaver.

  6. Have a one-pager on your kid in your go bag. This should have all of their diagnosis, medications, feeding schedule, diet, trach sizes, emergency contacts, allergies, insurance information etc. Even if the hospital is a place you frequent you will find yourself repeating these things over and over again and at 3 in the morning it’s easy to forget. Bonus points if you get your page laminated!

  7. Get to know your local emergency medical team. It is important for them to know if they have a special needs kid in their neck of the woods. This helps for them to be prepared and also provides reassurance for you.

  8. Bring pillows and other comfort items for you and your little. You never know what you are going to get and when you are sitting or sleeping in a tiny room comfort is key!

  9. Be nice to the hospital staff but remember you are your child’s advocate while you are there. If you feel uncomfortable or like something is off say something. When it comes to your babies you know best! However, always choose kindness they really are just doing their jobs!

  10. When you leave take everything with you! Ask for any remaining food, supplies or medications. At the end of the day you will pay for it all and what you don’t take will be thrown out and wasted so grab all you can!

Being hospitalized is never fun for anyone involved but I hope these tips help you get prepared for your next stay. Try to remain positive for you and your sweet babe and you will all get through it together. Remember, there ain’t nothing to it but to do it!