January 2020 Recap

The perfect summation of the first month of 2020 happened last night. Jack vomited on me. Not just a little spit up on my shirt but a full blown exercisiom style projectile vomit straight into my mouth... Welcome to our January 2020 recap. 

To start the new year we spent an entire week in the hospital with Jack. If you are not caught up on this adventure, read about it here: https://piecesofbethany.com/blog/2020/1/7/jack-is-in-the-hospital-again

ack’s stent in the hospital sent our whole house into a tailspin which has Rory going through a major sleep regression. He has always been a fantastic sleeper and we have been so so lucky. But this month he has been more interested in banging his head forcefully on the floor and pushing his brother over until he cries than sleeping. He gets himself so overtired that he cannot cope with anything. This has lead to a lot of late nights for us which typically involve a lot of screaming and kicks to the face. But we have also been able to cash in on a bunch of cuddles which I will never ever turn down. 

In non-kid related news work has been absolutely nutty, one of our cars broke down and our basement literally flooded with poo. Poor Josh spent his 32nd birthday dealing with plumbers and vacuuming up really awful things. 

While January has had its fair share of trials and tribulations there were also some really fantastic moments and milestones. Josh and I got to have a date night for his birthday. We got to make two trips to see Papa Ray. Our plumbing is in working order again and I was able to wash all of the vomit out of my hair. As for the boys they have accomplished so much in one short month. 

Jack: Is walking (holding hands or using furniture) it is still a bit wibbly wobbly but improving everyday. When he crawls he looks and sounds like a junkyard bulldog. At feeding therapy he smeared chocolate pudding and Cheeto dust all over his face. He can tell you where his nose is and he prefers fist pumping knuckles over hand shakes.

Rory: Is a professional walker and occasional runner. When angry he does this arm flailing, hip swiveling whiny thing. It’s too cute to feel bad for him. He will also stop whatever he is doing to twirl in circles anytime a theme song plays. His fling with pancakes ended, he is more of a cheese crackers guy now. He’s a ‘wearing other people’s shoes and giggling’ enthusiast. As well as a baba hunting hobbyist. His communication has improved so much and he is saying and signing more words every day. 

Needless to say this month has not been all sunshine and rainbows but overall we are wrapping the month up healthy, only a touch sleep deprived and our Cheifs are headed to the Super Bowl! February we are so ready for you!

For those of you that are interested here is our recap in photo/video format: