Trach Baby Room Tour
/When you bring home your trach baby you also bring with you a nursing staff and a full hospital supply closet. For us this meant totally reconfiguring our baby sleeping situation. We had the boys room all set up as a shared space however, this was not going to work. Jack has nurses with him overnight and we did not want for this to keep Rory awake at night AND we didn’t want to make our poor nurse sit in a dark room staring at a wall. Luckily for us our house has a giant sunken living room complete with a wet bar. We decided that this space would be perfect for Jack so we arranged it to fit his needs, our needs and the needs of his nursing team. Here is a full video tour:
Here are some other hacks that are not captured in the video.
When it is time to do his trach and g-tube cares we re-purposed this crib mirror( to lay out all of the supplies like so:
The feeding pump comes with a pole that has wheels however, the wheel base is really large and we just didn’t have the space. We were able to take the pole off of the wheel base and attach it to his crib slats. We then used some toy rings to hang the bag at the perfect height.
To store his trach attachments we got this bin at the Dollar Tree and use it to keep the drawer organized.
Bringing home your baby and all of their accoutrements can be stressful and its hard to know where to put everything because you are so used to how things are at the hospital but I promise you, you will settle into a new routine and way of storing things once your little one is home sweet home. We did not get to this level of organization overnight, it took weeks of moving things around for us to find our new normal, you will get there too! This may not work for everyone and not everyone’s space is the same but I hope this helps to give you some ideas and a starting point. Happy organizing!