Twins Turning TWO!
/Tomorrow we will have two two year old boys. I can hardly believe that we have had them in our lives for two years. They are so special and incredible and I cannot imagine living life without them. Not all days are sunshine and daisies. Some moments they are having a knock down drag out fight and they can enjoy hitting each other and us, which hurts… a lot. But then there are moments where we have to pull them apart from cuddling and kissing too much because we are in public and it’s awkward.
They are certainly the best thing about my life and the best thing I have have done but time is an absolute thief and they are growing up way too fast! We have made leaps and bounds developmentally since your last update so here are all the details of 1 year and 364 day old Jack and Rory.
Jack is continuing to grow and develop tremendously! He is still a bit behind his brother in his developmental goals for his adjusted age however, he has a darn good excuse. His extended stay in the NICU was not chock full of developmental opportunities due to his illness and eventual diagnosis so he is delayed by an extra 2 months. BUT just like everything else Jack has done in life he is kicking butt and catching up to his brother in his own time. Here are some of Jack’s latest developmental milestones:
He can say the words: Mama, Dada, baba (blanket), bye bye, hi, Papa, and wow
He can wave, give high fives, fist bumps, signs all done and blow kisses
He sprint-crawls around the house like a tiny bulldog
He can stand unaided for up to 5 seconds or so
He has 10 teeth but still no interest in eating anything with his mouth
He is ALMOST walking. He can walk with assistance and is so close to taking off running after his brother.
Medically speaking Jack is doing so well, he is off the vent for ALL waking hours and we will start off the vent trials while sleeping next month. He is growing lighting fast, here are Jack’s latest growth stats:
Height: 2.7 feet
Weight: 27 pounds
Rory is incredible, he is truly our miracle baby. His start in the world was a lot harder than his brothers at first but once he decided to get better he just got better and better. He is definitely in his terrible twos and he has an at-ti-TUDE! But he is so darn cute and sweet when he wants to be. Rory is excelling developmentally and here are some of his latest milestones:
He is a full blown runner
He dances to most every theme song ever played in his vicinity
He can say: Mama, Dada, baba (bottle), hello, bye bye, bubble, uh oh, yep, no and wow
He can wave, give high fives and fist bumps, signs all done, more and up and he is a professional kiss giver.
Has 6 teeth and will eat anything you put in front of him, except for mangos.
Medically speaking Rory is a normal boy. He no longer has any residual health issues due to his prematurity except for his astigmatism in his left eye. He is growing at the speed of light, here are Rory’s latest growth stats:
Height: 2.6 feet
Weight: 25 pounds