Easter 2020 - Quarantined with Twins

Easter looked so very different for all of us this year. While living in isolation is something that is fairly normal for us, spending a holiday with just the four of us was strange. We still took the time to decorate for the holiday because why not! We do not have a ton of Easter decor but enough to make our little space feel festive.


We made the best of our circumstances and had a terrific day none the less. We started our day with a visit from the Easter Bunny, he must have been in our house overnight because he left behind foot prints, toys and loads of chocolate.

After making a huge mess and enjoying our chocolaty breakfast we moved downstairs to spend some time with our extended families on Facetime and it was awesome to still see everyone and get to have time with them - thank goodness for modern day technology. Our family tradition has always been to eat KFC on Easter. I am not sure why but Easter and The Colonel’s fried chicken have always gone hand in hand for me. My mom was kind enough to deliver our Easter Chicken and see the boys from the driveway. After naps we had some Easter craft time and colored some fake eggs. The boys liked throwing the eggs across the room more than coloring them so I am super glad we opted for the fake version over the real version.

Unfortunately, the beautiful weather we had been enjoying as much as possible took an Easter vacation. It was wet and cold outside so we spent the rest of the day inside watching movies, playing with our new toys and enjoying some extra cuddle time.

I hope that you and yours had a eggcelent Easter filled with as much love and normalcy as possible! Stay well and safe out there!