2019 Resolutions

Rather than making a list of resolutions for the year that we may never get fully checked off, Josh and I have decided to focus our energy on two words this year: Health and Happiness. The goal is to get rid of anything that does not contribute to the overall health and happiness of our little family. 

During this year we have decided that health and happiness are not mutually exclusive, there is no OR here only AND. Does that donut make me happy? Yes gurl it sure does! However, it does not contribute to our health. Does spending hours in the gym contribute to our health? Uh huh however, that comes with a time commitment that takes away from time spent with the babies which does not equal happiness. BUT we can cut apples into donut shapes and have a family dance party which contributes to the focus, and man do I love those dance parties. 

It’s also not just about us - it’s also about these tiny creatures we created and their general health and happiness. With micro-preemies like ours this means living in a house shaped bubble for the entirety of flu and RSV season. So while getting out of the house to go to the grocery store may sound like a spa day, immersing yourself in a place with airborne germs absolutely does not contribute to anyone’s health. Luckily we live in a time where I can order everything I need online and either have it delivered or conveniently picked up on the curb = health AND happiness. 

Having kids gives you a chance to be better, you essentially get to start over. You not only get to decide what kind of parents you want to be, you also get to decide what kind of humans you want your kids to grow up with, look up to and be proud of. For us we want those people to be healthy and happy, we want them to be able to enjoy every moment, to live as long as they can and to be able to give them the lives that they deserve. This year we choose health and we choose happiness now it’s up to us to make it so.