As is common with grown folks who happen to have Disney+, Josh and I have been binge watching Boy Meets World lately. A cheesy but sweet 90s family sitcom. As with most shows like this in the 90s they try to tackle big issues during their seasons like depression, death and tragedy but there was one topic that hit a little too close to home.

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National NICU Awareness Month

Every year 200,000 US families find themselves in the NICU and in 2018 we got to be members of this elite squad. We spent 260 days in two different NICUs. It was a long and trying time for all four of us however, without the incredible nurses, doctors, hospitals and modern medicine we would not have gotten to bring our babies home. Not so long ago babies born before 27 weeks gestation were not even resuscitated or given a shot at life but in our modern era Jack and Rory not only received life saving care they received the best care there is. So in honor of national NICU Awareness Month I decided to document our NICU Journey in photograph form from the boys first photo to their car seat test, to graduation day, I hope you enjoy!

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