10 Tips For Achieving Work/Life Balance

Juggling your career, maintaining your home, loving on your kids and trying to find time for yourself can be an overwhelming challenge. Here are my top 10 tips to bring balance to what can be a crazy life!

  1. Concentrate on the role that you are playing in the moment

    • Being present in every moment is what makes them count and it is hard to be present anywhere when you are thinking about somewhere else. When you are at work be at work, check all of the home worries at the door and be present for your co-workers and your job. When you are at home don’t stress about your impending work deadline or the things you didn’t get done just be present with your family.

  2. Set boundaries

    • We all have days where we need to work a little later, or we need to finish something up when we get home but it’s easy to let it become consuming. Set a hard stop for yourself and communicate that with your team and boss so that they know you have home obligations that you have to be there for at a specific time.

  3. Create a routine

    • You all know I love me a nice routine but they are so important for establishing consistency. Make sure your routine involves some quality family time each and every day. Whether it be a family dinner, a strict bedtime routine or a recurring dance party set that bad boy in stone and make a commitment to it happening.

  4. Quality over quantity

    • You don’t have to spend copious amounts of time with your family each week if you cant swing it. They would so much rather have your undivided attention in short burst than having you “around but distant” for a longer stretch.

  5. Make time for yourself

    • I have talked about this before in this blog entry, but making time for yourself is so important. After all you cannot pour from an empty glass.

  6. Create memory making moments

    • Make special weekend plans or a yearly family trip. These will be some of your most treasured memories so make them happen as often as possible.

  7. Just say no

    • If outside influences try to impede on your family time have the power to say no. If you are asked to work overtime during your kids karate match, say no. If people want to make last minute plans during your cuddle time, say no.

  8. Schedule a date night with your partner

    • Work and kids can put your relationships on the back burner but you don’t have to let it. Make sure you are getting that quality time in with your partner as well because the two of you being a strong duo makes all the difference.

  9. Take every opportunity for cuddles you can get

    • Rory is only super cuddly when he is asleep, so every night when I go to bed I snag him out of his crib and bring him to bed with me. It allows the two of us to recreate that kangaroo care that is so important.

  10. Do what works for you

    • Every family situation is different. Find what works for you and yours and make it consistent. Consistency is key!